What Can RoLyn Hills Farm Do For You?
Do you know your health is
strongly influenced by what
is under your feet?
Or more specifically, what is under your farmer’s feet? The nutritional value of many foods has declined by 25-50 percent since 1975 (Alex Jack, 2011 Planetary Health/Amberwaves Nutrient Guide). The nutrient value of our food is largely determined by the mineral content of the soil in which it was grown. These minerals in turn become growing plants that our animals eat. Just as a builder must use the right materials to construct a house that will stand strong for decades or even centuries, so too it takes high quality nutrients in the proper amounts to build healthy plants and healthy bodies. How our food is produced is just as important as what we choose to eat.
Here at RoLyn Hills Farm, we are passionate about the health of our land, livestock, and the people who consume our products. We start by taking care of the soil, ensuring that our animals have the nutrients they need to produce great tasting, nutritious beef, pork, lamb, and chicken. Then we provide natural, broad-spectrum mineral supplements to ensure optimum health. We would love to assist in your journey to better health by providing you with quality meats, nutritional supplements, and soil amendments.